If you suffer from chronic headaches, tension in your shoulders and neck, then you will greatly benefit from this treatment.
Indian Head Massage incorporates deep thumb and finger pressure, friction movements as well as soothing effleurage, which covers the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp and face. These techniques reduce muscular and nervous tension and improve circulation of blood and lymph.
Working with both a firm and gentle rhythm this massage helps unknot blockages and relieve the uncomfortable build-up of muscular tension. It relaxes the scalp and helps tone up the subcutaneous muscles, helping to relieve headaches and eyestrain.
It also stimulates scalp blood circulation, which helps to strengthen and improve the texture of the hair. The facial massage has a very soothing effect and increases lymphatic drainage, removing toxins and can help sinus problems, hay fever and some allergies.
The ancient art of Indian Head Massage is almost as old as massage itself in India, with documentation in Ayurvedic texts dating back almost 4,000 years. The Hindi word “champi” means head massage and this is where we derive the English word “shampoo” from. Indian Head massage is part of the ancient healing system of Ayurveda, one of the oldest recorded forms of medical treatment.
What To Expect During Your Treatment
This 60min treatment begins with you face down on the warm massage table. Using warmed coconut oil I begin massaging your upper back and shoulders. I work to remove any knots or tension using pressure points and gliding techniques to encourage relaxation. Shoulders and upper arms will be massaged after which are common areas of tension. Then I move to your scalp to relax your entire head and encourage circulation. You will turn over in order to focus again on your neck muscles and your facial massage. I find that this really helps with deep relaxation and improves sinus congestion. I do end the massage with a little Reiki healing around your head and face.
TIP: Although you will FEEL amazing after the massage, you likely won’t look amazing. So don’t plan on going out anywhere right after the massage. Your hair will be an absolute mess and likely look as if you’ve left conditioner if for a week without rinsing. FYI your hair WILL super soft the next day from the coconut oil treatment.
But I do suggest you bring a hair band, clip, brush or hat. 🙂
Three of the major Chakras or energy centres are located in the head; the Crown, Brow (3rd Eye) and Throat. Head massage helps to balance and stimulate these vital energy centres, promoting a sense of well-being, relaxation and positive energy.
The massage goes beyond the limits of healing by dealing with the balance and the uniqueness of the individual.
**Add 30minute Foot/Leg Massage or Reiki Healing