Intuitive Readings

We all have many guardian Angels with us right now who whisper loving and accurate words of guidance that can help you with any area of your life.  If you are having trouble hearing their messages, I use Oracle card decks to channel the messages to you from them. Choose the deck which resonates with you at this time.

I will send you your reading via a YouTube video. You can also receive messages following a Reiki treatment with me.

intuitive oracle card reading

Angel Therapy Oracle Card Reading

This is a powerful Healing Deck where I will be Working with your guardian angels and the Archangels, particularly Michael and Raphael to provide messages and actions steps to initiate healing, help you release fears and emotional blocks and give your messages on your Life Purpose, relationships, manifestations and more.

3 Card Reading: $25  (this if often past, present, future)

Healing With the Angels Oracle Card Reading

Your Guardian Angels can help you heal every area of your life! Receive angelic answers and guidance about your love life, career, health, and family.  The angels always counsel us from a place of love.

3 Card Reading: $25

Magical Unicorns Oracle Card Reading

Unicorns have the purest energy in the elemental kingdom, which consists of magical beings such as fairies, leprechauns, mermaids. These beautiful creatures will provide messages and guidance related to your present life, your future and your spiritual path.

3 Card Reading: $25

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Card Reading

This deck is specifically designed to help you manifest your goals, life purpose and Divinely inspired dreams.  The beautifully illustrated cards will help you swim into the ocean of your unconscious mind, where profound thought and feelings can create-or block-your heart’s desire.

3 Card Reading: $25

Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Card Reading

Archangels are the managers of our personal guardian angels.  Each archangel has a specialty and AA Raphael’s is Health.  Raphael’s name means “he who heals” or “God heals” and he helps everyone who calls upon him without exception.  Like all Archangels, Raphael is non-denominational and unconditionally loving.  If you wish to receive his help, he’ll always say yes.  He respects your free will, however, so he will only provide assistance if you ask for it.  Please don’t ask Raphael HOW to help you.  Simply ask for your healing desire and then give him room to answer your prayer.

3 Card Reading: $25

Angel Tarot Deck

The most popular spread for tarot cards is called the Celtic Cross, and it can be used to answer questions about any topic.  This spread of 10 cards reveals the basis of your situation, the challenge, the past, the present, the near future and the likely outcome.

10 Card Reading $50