How come you’re still Single??


It’s a question that will induce any self respecting woman to pause, sigh and roll her eyes.  Or at the least cause her to smile gently at the poor misinformed party.  Or is this just me?? 😉

I have spent more of my life not being commited in a relationship in fact and I don’t have scales on my body, I’m not an alien nor do I have anything against them.  It’s 2015 and yet women are still judged by many things including her relationship status.  If you’re 40 and (god forbid) own a cat, you are somehow met with horrific stares as if at any moment 17 more cats will burst out of your home! I live with my best friend, who is also a single woman and that has translated to……oh, so you’re a lesbian then.  I’ll never understand the nonsensical leap to that conclusion but then again, maybe he’s hoping….. and what difference would that make?

Did anyone stop to think that maybe I am perfectly happy having free time to myself, doing whatever I enjoy doing.  I was in a relationship for 4 years, even lived with him and I loved it and I absolutely loved him, faults and all.  It was very comforting and familiar having someone else in the home to take care of. It was nice coming home to someone and having someone care that you were there too.  But it ended as it needed to and after the hurt and heartbreak I only hope I came out stronger and kept the love and lessons with me.


being single

I appreciate the fact that people care about me, they want me to be happy, of course, but sometimes they confuse happiness with “having a man in your life”.  I am definitely not giving up on the possibility of finding love again, in fact I very much look forward to that day.

But, in the meantime I am truly enjoying this time I have all to myself. I am focused on my business and everyday I wake up happy and inspired.  And I think that will only make me a better partner.

And I still love Valentine’s Day!  It gives me the “excuse” to treat myself that day.  I know exactly what kind of flowers I love, how much I love piping hot decaf lattes, and if I want to, I get to stay in my pajamas ALL day with no judgement. 😉

So, if you’re a single gal like me, BE PROUD and ENJOY this amazing time!!!